True Love
$87.95 $77.95
The contrast between the two light and dark pink shades makes the gift of your bouquet of 2 dozen ca..
Beloved Girlfriend
A bouquet of 18 pink carnations and romantic purple from fillers make a very sweet and lovely gift t..
The New Wind
A bunch of red roses sent to her loved ones are no longer new to everyone. But a bouquet of 2 dozen ..
Day By Day
A bit of pink mixed with a bit of red/dark pink makes a very special meaning in the bouquet that you..
Gracious Elegance
A bouquet of 2 dozen carnations are not simply a symbol of grace, elegance of a woman. Besides, it m..
Great Love
Different colors of carnations represent for different meanings. Red is a permanently romantic love,..
The Most Special
"The cooperation of pink roses and carnations makes the vase look more outstanding than the other. I..
Begin The Story
Sometimes, words are not enough to express the feelings you have for her. Let the beautiful flowers ..
A basket of a dozen pink lilies will create a big surprise for your girl, it has a meaning that you ..
Sing My Pink
A bouquet with 3 dozen pink carnation  is the most motivated gift you can give your friends in ..
Romantic Affirmation
"2 dozen pink carnations are nicely arrange in a bouquet is an affirmation to your dearest girl, it'..
Sincere of Love
A set of pink flowers must be a very cute gift for the girl you love the most. Carnations symbolize ..
Catch Her Eyes
A bunch of pink flowers will definitely catch her eyes because of its lovely cuteness. It's the colo..
A New Day
A beautiful vase decorated with a dozen pink carnations represents your gratitude to your mother, th..
Floral Impression
Carnations mix with lovely roses are the main factors that create a wonderful floral bouquet gift. D..
The Eternal Love
There's no perfect gift than a bouquet made of pink carnations and pink lilies. This is the best&nbs..
Showing 1 to 16 of 23 (2 Pages)